Soup-e-Jo - Creamy Persian Barley Soup
Serves 10-12 as written
2 cups barley (pearled or not)
1 large onion chopped and fried
2 cups shredded carrots
2 cups shredded mushrooms (or minced)
1 head garlic minced (2 table spoons)
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 whole chicken breast (2 sides)
2 tbs flour
2tbs butter
2 cup milk or cream
Top with
1 handful of parsley or cilantro
Chicken or veggie broth about 2 quarts
I add meat to mine so I small pieces of 1 whole (2 sides) of a chicken breast cut into pieces or about one pound of rendered ground meat of choice. Both are yummy.
Add to your veggies to the barley and raw cut chicken pieces allow to thicken .The barley blooms and thickens the soup naturally on its own to some extent. You can add the dairy (bechamelle) at this point or not. Traditionally it is creamy but I make it both ways and both ways is delicious.
You can prepare your bechamelle on the side while the soup thickens.
Melt your butter and add your flour.

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